Understanding the Basics of Electrostatic Painting for Machinery

high performance coating system

If you’re new to the world of electrostatic painting for machinery, you’re not alone. Many people who hear about this new technology are excited to get their hands on it! The challenge, however, is understanding the basics of electrostatic painting, and what’s all included. In this article, the experts at Steeltech Electropainting, Inc. are here to tell you what to expect when you hire their team for electrostatic painting. Keep reading to learn more! 

What is Electrostatic Painting for Machinery? 

First and foremost, let’s dig into what electrostatic painting really is. It’s a specialized gun that sprays out positive ions alongside whatever liquid is added to the gun. The reason for these positive ions is that they stick, almost magnetically, to negative ions. In our tangible world, almost everything around us is charged with negative ions. Therefore, if we want something to truly stick to the surfaces we’re spraying with a deep bond and hold, the best way to do this is to use an electrostatic painting technique that sprays the positive ions onto the negative ions, promising a very strong grip. Additionally, there’s less of a mess. Painting large platforms and machinery is usually done with a sprayer. Traditionally, this is quite a messy endeavor. Particles fly everywhere, leaving anything in the vicinity at risk for being sprayed as well. With electrostatic spraying, clients can rest at ease knowing that paint particles will be specifically targeted towards whatever the intended object is. Did you know that traditional sprays waste up to 20% – 60% of the product?

With electrostatic painting, clients waste only 5% of the product. 

How Long Does It Take Electrostatic Painting to Dry? 

For electrostatic painting, the process is quite similar to that of traditional paint. It takes anywhere between 12 – 24 hours for the paint to dry. To be sure that you’ve waited the appropriate amount of time, you’ll want to ask an expert to ensure that machinery is good to go. 

Are There Different Types of Electrostatic Painting? 

One thing people fear when choosing electrostatic painting is that there isn’t a vast range of selections. However, popular to contrary belief, there are plenty of paint options to choose from. Any oil-based paints should do, though they must be without metallics and should be thinner. Thinner paint ensures that the particles attach. Water-based paint types don’t tend to work, but it’s always a good idea to ask a professional about their expert opinions. All colors are available. If you can buy a traditional paint color, it should be able to be used for an electrostatic sprayer. 

What are the Benefits of Electrostatic Painting? 

There are a few benefits to electrostatic painting. First and foremost, it’s very durable. Because the positive ions attach quite heavily to the negative ions on the subject or machinery, it’s not often that the paint will diminish, flake, or detach as traditional paint can. It’s very durable and eliminates a lot of waste. It’s wonderful for on-sight applications, and it leaves an even, beautifully coated finish. Some of the downsides include it being quite expensive, and usable for only metal objects. 

Where Can I Find Electrostatic Painting for Machinery? 

If you’re looking for electrostatic painting for machinery, you’re in the right place. At Steeltech Electropainting, Inc., we pride ourselves in offering South Florida residents services they can trust. With years of experience and state-of-the-art equipment, we’re here to aid you with all of your painting needs. Why go the traditional route when you can try something completely different? Take your business, machinery, and metalworks to the next level by using a painting technique that will guarantee full coverage, strength, durability, and clean spray. Contact our team today at 305-821-1988 and see how we can help you when you need painting assistance the most. As a family-owned and operated business that is fully licensed and insured, why choose anywhere else? We assist with storefronts, railings, window systems, metal fencing, elevator doors, exterior, and interior doors, as well as metal lockers. 

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