5 Key Facts About Metal Machinery Painting


If you own and run an industrial business, you likely have a number of production machines hard at work for you. These metal giants need care and maintenance to continue performing their important function that ultimately drives your business.

Whether you have one or several manufacturing machines working for you, committing to regular maintenance and care schedule is essential to ensure their continued function. One aspect of care that is often neglected is the need to paint these surfaces to improve their performance. Before attempting to slap a coat of paint on your fixtures yourself, read on to discover a few things about the specialized process known as metal machinery painting.

Surfaces Must Be Prepared Prior to Painting

Painting metal properly requires the same types of strategies that you’d use to paint other materials. Metal surfaces should be clean and free from dirt, dust, and old traces of paint. Metal buffing and metal polishing techniques can be used to remove stubborn traces of paint that make new paint difficult to place. Make sure you have a clean slate on which to place your new electrostatic coating.

You Must Remove Loose Rust, Repair Surfaces Prior to Painting

Metal easily oxidizes when exposed to the elements. Once rust has begun to overtake your machinery, it’s difficult to stop it. The process of cleaning and metal polishing should take off much surface rust, and more stubborn deposits can be sealed and painted over to prevent further oxidation. In doing so, you’ll ensure that your new coating will last as long as you need it to. Visible signs of wear and tear such as cracks and dents should also be attended to as you make sure that your machinery continues to perform as intended; any surface deficiency could quickly lead to internal damage as dust, debris, and industrial grime make their way inward.

Priming Is Necessary!

Primer used prior to painting metal machinery is specialized. Make sure you are using the right product for the job, or you’ll find yourself needing to apply coat after coat to get your paint to seal properly.

Use Electrostatic Paint

Electrostatic painting is the process of using an electromagnetic charge to easily apply paint to metallic surfaces. Latex and oil paints can quickly peel and bubble off of metal surfaces, making them less than ideal for application to heavy industrial equipment. The process of using magnetic attraction to adhere paint to metallic surfaces yields consistently superior results that last longer than other types of paint.

Finish the Job!

A process of metal buffing, polishing, and applying the right type of sealant will keep your paint looking and performing like new for years. Even under harsh industrial conditions, the application of superior products and proper procedures will ensure that your equipment continues to stand the test of time.

We’ll Help Get the Job Done!

Proper machinery painting not only looks more professional, but it protects your metal surfaces and industrial equipment from harsh factory conditions that can lead to erosion. Steeltech Electropainting provides superior electrostatic painting in Miami and the surrounding area. We are a leading provider of state-of-the-art painting surfaces, tackling everything from simple office furniture to high-tech industrial equipment that supports your business endeavors. If you have equipment that needs a facelift, trust your valuable pieces to us; we’ll care for and maintain them to ensure your continued success and business growth. Contact us today for a quote.

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